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KAY – Creative Cuisine

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KAY (read kai) – which in Quechua language means ‘to be’, ‘to exist’ – brings the culinary soul of Peru to Luxembourg.
Inspired by tradition, driven by intuitive interpretation, KAY serves up masterpieces of contemporary gastronomic art.
Everything on the menu reflects our passion for creative cuisine. We take great joy in preparing food for our guests and want them to share that happiness.
Discover Nikkei dishes created with Peruvian ingredients and Japanese techniques.
A unique, rich palette of flavours, textures, colours and aromas will thrill your senses: spicy, umami, citrus, bitter, sweet, sour, salty, crunchy, juicy, silky, smoked, fermented, marine, pungent, fragrant, explosive and more.

Opening hours:
Every day from 11:00 to 22:00, except Sunday and Monday from 11:00 to 19:00.
Closed on Tuesdays.

Reservations: T (+352) 621 35 50 16
KAY - Creative Cuisine
7, boulevard Franklin D. Roosevelt
L - 2450 Luxembourg
(Entrance next to the 'Aquarium', glazed pavilion)

Casino Venlo

Casino Velo

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