Minecraft Inventory Slot Glitch
Floating islands are a glitch-turned-feature that can still be encountered in current versions of Minecraft, but were first found most prolifically and originally by accident in the 'infdev' version of the game. Minecraft is a notoriously stable and precision-crafted game. Everyone knows this. However, on the rarest of rare occasions, a tired developer’s finger slips on their keyboard, or someone drops their cinnamon bun into the Central Flux Capacitor, or we forget to make the timely sacrifice to Omak’katheth, and the game wigs out completely.
- Minecraft Inventory Slot Glitch Download
- Minecraft Inventory Slot Glitch Free
- Minecraft Inventory Slot Glitch Mod
- Minecraft Top Right Inventory Slot Glitch
- Minecraft Inventory Slot Glitch Map
Minecraft displays the player inventory differently, according to how the window was opened. Ranges of slot indices vary in meaning between different “windows”. The Open Window packet indicates which window is being opened according to:
- 2Chest
- 4Furnace
Window Type | Description |
minecraft:generic_9x1 | A 1-row inventory, not used by the notchian server. |
minecraft:generic_9x2 | A 2-row inventory, not used by the notchian server. |
minecraft:generic_9x3 | General-purpose 3-row inventory. Used by Chest, minecart with chest, ender chest, and barrel |
minecraft:generic_9x4 | A 4-row inventory, not used by the notchian server. |
minecraft:generic_9x5 | A 5-row inventory, not used by the notchian server. |
minecraft:generic_9x6 | General-purpose 6-row inventory, used by large chests. |
minecraft:generic_3x3 | General-purpose 3-by-3 square inventory, used by Dispenser and Dropper |
minecraft:anvil | Anvil |
minecraft:beacon | Beacon |
minecraft:blast_furnace | Blast Furnace |
minecraft:brewing_stand | Brewing stand |
minecraft:crafting | Crafting table |
minecraft:enchantment | Enchantment table |
minecraft:furnace | Furnace |
minecraft:grindstone | Grindstone |
minecraft:hopper | Hopper or minecart with hopper |
minecraft:lectern | Lectern |
minecraft:loom | Loom |
minecraft:merchant | Villager, Wandering Trader |
minecraft:shulker_box | Shulker box |
minecraft:smoker | Smoker |
minecraft:cartography | Cartography Table |
minecraft:stonecutter | Stonecutter |
The following information needs to be added to this page: |
Most of the inventories new to 1.14 have buttons, which are probably implemented using Protocol#Click Window Button. This needs to be confirmed and the button IDs should be checked. |
The slot number is calculated starting at 0, counting up through the window's unique slots, and then counting through the players inventory.
Minecraft Inventory Slot Glitch Download
For all windows, the slot in the upper-left corner of the player's inventory is slot n where n is the number of unique slots, and slot number -999 is always used for clicking outside the window.
The default inventory window, which is never explicitly opened by the server, has 10 unique slots.
Rectangular regions are always indexed starting with the upper-left corner and scanning across rows. If a window has a crafting region, the output slot is always slot 0 followed immediately by the input region.
Each window type is described in the following sections. All slot index ranges are inclusive and reflect the indices observed in the Minecraft protocol.
For the window properties (additional data in each window, e.g. smelting progress or enchantments), refer to the table in the Window Property packet.
Using -1 as slot index and as window id will set the cursor item (the stack dragged with the mouse).
Player Inventory
This is the inventory window that the player can always open, typically by pressing E since Beta 1.4. Before, you had to press I.
Slot range | Description |
0 | crafting output |
1–4 | 2×2 crafting input (1 + x + 2 * y) |
5–8 | armor (head, chest, legs, feet) |
9–35 | main inventory |
36–44 | hotbar |
45 | Offhand slot |
Note that this is different from inventory items stored in a player.dat file. This may help: https://gist.github.com/459a1691c3dd751db160
This is the window that is opened when the player right-clicks on a single chest block.
Slot range | Description |
0–26 | chest |
27–53 | main inventory |
54–62 | hotbar |
Large chest
This is the window that is opened when the player right-clicks on a double chest block (two adjacent chest blocks).

Slot range | Description |
0–53 | chest |
54–80 | main inventory |
81–89 | hotbar |
It is possible to receive different 'Number Of Slots' parameters than those two. In vanilla, using /setblock four times around a chest and then opening the middle chest will open a window with 5*27 chest slots. Some custom servers will send chest inventories with other sizes, usually ranging from 1 row to 6 rows. These may be used for custom GUIs. It is thus important to correctly use the 'Number Of Slots' parameter in the open window packet to determine the number of rows in the chest, rather than hardcoding what constitutes a regular chest or a large chest.
Crafting table
This is the window that is opened when the player right-clicks on a workbench.
Slot range | Description |
0 | crafting output |
1–9 | 3×3 crafting input (1 + x + 3 * y) |
10–36 | main inventory |
37–45 | hotbar |
If the 'Number Of Slots' parameter is not set to 0, the opened window will behave like a container window.
The window that appears when a furnace is right-clicked.
Slot range | Description |
0 | ingredient |
1 | fuel |
2 | output |
3–29 | main inventory |
30–38 | hotbar |
If the 'Number Of Slots' parameter is inferior to 3, placing an item in a slot may crash the client.
Blast Furnace
The GUI that appears when a blast furnace is opened. Same layout as a furnace; however, the recipe book displays blast furnace recipes instead of regular furnace recipes.
Slot range | Description |
0 | ingredient |
1 | fuel |
2 | output |
3–29 | main inventory |
30–38 | hotbar |
The GUI that appears when a smoker is opened. Same layout as a furnace; however, the recipe book displays blast furnace recipes instead of regular furnace recipes.
Slot range | Description |
0 | ingredient |
1 | fuel |
2 | output |
3–29 | main inventory |
30–38 | hotbar |
The inventory that appears when a dispenser or dropper is opened.
Slot range | Description |
0–8 | 3×3 dispenser contents (x + 3 * y) |
9–35 | main inventory |
36-44 | hotbar |
If the 'Number Of Slots' parameter is inferior to 9, placing an item in a slot may crash the client.
Enchantment Table
The inventory of an enchantment table. The enchant buttons trigger a Enchant item packet.
Slot range | Description |
0 | item to enchant |
1 | lapis lazuli slot |
2–28 | main inventory |
29–37 | hotbar |
Brewing stand
The GUI that appears when a brewing stand is opened.
Slot range | Description |
0-2 | bottles/potions |
3 | potion ingredient |
4 | blaze powder |
5-31 | main inventory |
32-40 | hotbar |
Villager trading
The GUI that appears when a villager is right-clicked. Note that if the villager only requires one item, you can put it in either (or both) slots.
Slot range | Description |
0-1 | input items |
2 | result |
3–29 | main inventory |
30–38 | hotbar |
The window that appears when a beacon is right-clicked.
Slot range | Description |
0 | payment item |
1–27 | main inventory |
28–36 | hotbar |
Slot range | Description |
0 | first item |
1 | second item |
2 | result |
3–29 | main inventory |
30–38 | hotbar |
The window that appears when a hopper or hopper minecart is opened.

Slot range | Description |
0-4 | hopper slots |
5–31 | main inventory |
32–40 | hotbar |
Shulker box
This is the window that is opened when the player right-clicks on a shulker box chest.
Slot range | Description |
0–26 | box slots |
27–53 | main inventory |
54–62 | hotbar |
The inventory that appears when a tamed llama is right-clicked and has a chest, or when the player's inventory is opened while riding a tamed llama. Depending on the value of the strength field, the number of chest rows may vary (max is 5, so 15 slots).
There still is a saddle slot, even though it cannot be used and is invisible.
Minecraft Inventory Slot Glitch Free
Slot positions within the llama inventory vary - slot 2 may be at (1,0) or at (0,1) depending on the number of columns.
Slot range | Description |
0 | saddle |
1 | carpet |
2-(2+3*Strength) | llama inventory |
(2+3*Strength)+1-(2+3*Strength)+27 | player inventory |
(2+3*Strength)+28-(2+3*Strength)+35 | hotbar |
Unchested llama
Llama with strength 1
Llama with strength 2
Llama with strength 3
Llama with strength 4
Llama with strength 5
Minecraft Inventory Slot Glitch Mod
The window for when a tamed horse is right-clicked or the player's inventory is opened while riding a horse.
Slot range | Description |
0 | saddle |
1 | armor |
2–28 | main inventory |
29–37 | hotbar |
Horse slots
Skeleton horse slots
Zombie horse slots
The inventory that appears when a tamed donkey (or mule?) is right-clicked, or when the player's inventory is opened while riding a tamed donkey or mule.
There still is an armor slot, even though it cannot be used and is invisible.
Slot range | Description |
0 | saddle |
1 | armor |
2–16 | donkey inventory |
17–43 (2-28 if unchested) | player inventory |
44–52 (29-37 if unchested) | hotbar |
Unchested donkey
Chested donkey
Unchested mule
Chested mule
Cartography Table

The GUI that appears when a cartography table is opened.
Slot range | Description |
0 | map |
1 | paper |
2 | output |
3–29 | main inventory |
30–38 | hotbar |
Slot range | Description |
0 | first item |
1 | second item |
2 | result |
3–29 | main inventory |
30–38 | hotbar |
Minecraft Top Right Inventory Slot Glitch
This is a regular container, unlike with held books opened via Protocol#Open Book.
The following information needs to be added to this page: |
Is the player inventory also included on this? |
Slot range | Description |
0 | book |
1–27 | main inventory? |
28–36 | hotbar? |
Slot range | Description |
0 | banner |
1 | dye |
2 | pattern |
3 | result |
4–30 | main inventory |
31–39 | hotbar |
Slot range | Description |
0 | input |
1 | result |
2–28 | main inventory |
29–37 | hotbar |
Minecraft Inventory Slot Glitch Map

And at about 8:53, Lovelights just spreads wheat and carrots evenly in stacks of 5 in a split second in his inventory and crafting table. I've noticed that my clicks sometimes don't keep the stacks, and sometimes spread this around, but I always thought that was some sort of glitch. And also, how'd he plop down so much at once? Whenever I try to click items down really fast, the items ghost.
Is there any specific way to control the random stack spreading? It would help so much with crafting swords and other items where I'd have to put down things in a line.