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Responsible Gambling Certificate Sa

Great news here, Nationally Accredited Responsible Service of Alcohol online training is accepted in South Australia. You will need to apply to the SA Liquor Licensing Commission to be a “responsible person”, part of this process will be to supply evidence of the national RSA certificate. Once that approval goes through you are issued a “badge” by SA Liquor Licensing Office of the Liquor and Gaming Commissioner . It’s an iconic part of the Australian Working Holiday getting a bar job downunder.

  1. Responsible Gambling Certificate Samples
  2. Responsible Gambling Certificate
  3. Responsible Gambling Certificate Sample

RCG/RSG Online SA - South Australia, Responsible Service of Gambling Course, Fully Accredited, Pay When You Pass, Lowest Price Guarantee COVID-19: All of our online courses are still available and can be completed under current restrictions. RSG and RCG — Responsible Gambling Training — simplified Before you apply for bar or pub jobs in Australia (especially Queensland and New South Wales) or work in other gambling related establishments in other States in Australia, the Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) certificate or the Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) certificate. The Australasian Gaming Council (AGC) is a national industry body that aims to support a sustainable gambling industry providing entertainment and economic benefits while promoting gambling education, responsible gambling awareness, quality gambling research and evidence-based policy. The responsible provision of gambling services is an essential underpinning skill for any level of hospitality personnel involved in the sale and service of gambling activities in licensed premises, including the licencee, gaming supervisors and gaming managers when involved in operational gambling activities.

How much is a SA RSA Certificate

A real cheapy, the South Australian RSA certificate is just $7.99 online! These will typically give you a certificate that’s only valid in the Northern Territory. If you only fancy working in the NT checkout the hospitality institute of Australia for these cheap courses. Otherwise you have the option of nationally accredited courses which can cost $55. You can find the full list of training provided on the NT My Skills website.


How is my SA RSA Certificate Delivered

As the South Australian RSA certificate is completed online providers will mail out the certificate.


Extra Requirements

Training providers are required by law to verify your identity. This can be done by simply uploading your ID via their internal system( should work with most providers) There was a new law effective 1 January 2015 that require all RSA certificate students to have a “USI” which means training providers must obtain this information by law. This is typically done during the registration process.

Refresher RSA Courses

This situation won’t occur too often as working holiday makers are typically in Australia for under 2 years. In the case you obtain permanent residency or take your second year visa same years later you can do a refresh course to keep your rsa certificate active.

Check Other States Requirements

Responsible Gambling Certificate Sa
ACTQueenslandNew South Wales
Northern TerritorySouth AustraliaWestern Australia


Below is A Full List of Accredited Trainers in South Australia

Responsible service of gaming (RSG) training is required for Victorian gaming venue staff. The training equips gaming venue staff with the knowledge and skills they need to ensure that gaming is provided responsibly.

Modules 1 and 3

Modules 1 and 3 are online courses hosted by the State.

Modules 2 and 4

Normally, Modules 2 and 4 are delivered face-to-face – primarily through the Venue Support Program at gaming venues. However, as part of our response to COVID-19, we are also offering virtual face-to-face training.

Who can attend?

The virtual face-to-face training is designed for gaming venue staff members who are not able to access the training offered within the venue at which they are employed.

This training is intended for those who are already employed in the gaming industry. You are actively discouraged from attending this training prior to getting a job in a gaming venue.

Further information

Responsible Gambling Certificate Samples

For further information on the RSG please visit the Department of Justice and Community Safety.

Responsible Gambling Certificate


Responsible Gambling Certificate Sample

For any queries about Foundation training sessions please email us.