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Texas Holdem Pot Odds Explained

Understanding pot odds, like explained in the Texas Hold Em Poker tips paragraphs, can help you win more hands of poker and take home more money.

Poker, in its essence, is a game of probability. And the number one thing you need to remember when playing poker is this: you want to bet lots of money when you are probably going to win. Of course, there is always the chance your competition will pull a very lucky card and get the bigger hand, but with all things being equal, when there is a high probability you are going to win, bet your money.

A key thing here to remember is no one can control luck and you need to be playing your best all the time. You can’t play poker with a fear of betting because the other guy might get lucky. If you put your money in when you are the favourite for the best hand, you do that enough times and you end up winning in the long run.

Pot odds represent the ratio between the size of the total pot and the size of the bet facing you. Keep in mind that the size of the total pot includes the bet(s) made in the current round. For example, if there is $2 in the pot and your opponent bets $1, your pot odds are 3 to 1. The American calls pot odds the cornerstone of the game and expresses how important they are in all formats of poker. “Pot odds influence every poker decision as an elemental cornerstone to the game. The concept and application fundamentally shape each and every hand for every poker player,” he says. In order to use pot odds effectively, a poker player combines the context of the situation with the odds at hand. It also allows one to manipulate the pot odds and enforce errors on the part of your opponents – a key skill requirement. Let’s look at an example of how pot odds could be used for important decision making.

This is the first important thing to understand with pot odds, ok?

In Texas Hold'em, poker odds are THE probability tool you need as a poker player. In fact, you should always be thinking about poker odds - yours and your opponents' - when making decisions. In short, poker odds is the probability of you winning that hand, or the price it offers (pot odds). We’ll get you started by showing you 20 examples of the basic Texas Hold’em odds you need to know. To really make a mark on the felt, we’re also going to show you a nifty little trick for calculating poker odds right at the table. But first, a little Poker 101 for all you noobs out there – we’re talking about pot odds and pot equity.

Texas Hold Em Poker Tips – Your Don’t Have To Be A Maths Genius


So, how do you know you have the best hand? This is where the mathamagic comes in. Don’t worry, understanding poker odds is just plain, basic math. Nothing fancy like logarithmic-hoodiggies or algabraic-catscratchers, just basic math.

Key point – you don’t have to be a great mathematician to be a great poker player. That’s the truth. You do however need a bit of a basic understanding of math to be a successful Texas Hold Em Poker player.

Texas Hold Em Poker Tips – How To Calculate Your Pot Odds

First things first, you need to be able to calculate your chances of getting ‘outs’. Outs are the cards you need to make the best hand you can, to hopefully win. These little guys are important because you need to win pots if you want to win money. You get the idea.

So for an example. Say you have a pair of Kings and you are pretty sure your opponent has a pair of 10’s. The four community cards are something like 3-5-7-2. You 강남홀덤 know that your opponent needs a 10 to win. There is one card to go, the river.

So for the calculation: There are 52 cards in a deck. Eight of the cards have been used; your two, his two, four on the board, so there are 44 cards remaining. Two of those cards help you, so you are at 22-to-1 odds.

Because only 2 of the cards in the deck will help your opponent, you are in fact a 22-to-1 favourite to win the pot, which puts your at a humongous advantage.

Texas Holdem Pot Odds Explained Poker

Understanding pot odds and outs, which is the probability you will get your best hand, is very important because it gives you information to make the correct moves. In the previous example you know, from pure probability, that you will win 21 times out of 22.

So you can happily bet money and stay in the pot because overall, over the long run, you will win. You want the numbers to be on your side, that’s the point this Texas Hold Em Poker tips trying to get at.

Understanding pot odds, like explained in the Texas Hold Em Poker tips paragraphs, can help you win more hands of poker and take home more money.

Poker, in its essence, is a game of probability. And the number one thing you need to remember when playing poker is this: you want to bet lots of money when you are probably going to win. Of course, there is always the chance your competition will pull a very lucky card and get the bigger hand, but with all things being equal, when there is a high probability you are going to win, bet your money.

A key thing here to remember is no one can control luck and you need to be playing your best all the time. You can’t play poker with a fear of betting because the other guy might get lucky. If you put your money in when you are the favourite for the best hand, you do that enough times and you end up winning in the long run.

This is the first important thing to understand with pot odds, ok?

Texas Hold Em Poker Tips – Your Don’t Have To Be A Maths Genius


Texas Holdem Pot Odds Explained Chart


So, how do you know you have the best hand? This is where the mathamagic comes in. Don’t worry, understanding poker odds is just plain, basic math. Nothing fancy like logarithmic-hoodiggies or algabraic-catscratchers, just basic math.


Key point – you don’t have to be a great mathematician to be a great poker player. That’s the truth. You do however need a bit of a basic understanding of math to be a successful Texas Hold Em Poker player.

Texas Hold Em Poker Tips – How To Calculate Your Pot Odds

Texas Holdem Pot Odds Explained

First things first, you need to be able to calculate your chances of getting ‘outs’. Outs are the cards you need to make the best hand you can, to hopefully win. These little guys are important because you need to win pots if you want to win money. You get the idea.

So for an example. Say you have a pair of Kings and you are pretty sure your opponent has a pair of 10’s. The four community cards are something like 3-5-7-2. You 강남홀덤 know that your opponent needs a 10 to win. There is one card to go, the river.

So for the calculation: There are 52 cards in a deck. Eight of the cards have been used; your two, his two, four on the board, so there are 44 cards remaining. Two of those cards help you, so you are at 22-to-1 odds.

Because only 2 of the cards in the deck will help your opponent, you are in fact a 22-to-1 favourite to win the pot, which puts your at a humongous advantage.

Understanding pot odds and outs, which is the probability you will get your best hand, is very important because it gives you information to make the correct moves. In the previous example you know, from pure probability, that you will win 21 times out of 22.

So you can happily bet money and stay in the pot because overall, over the long run, you will win. You want the numbers to be on your side, that’s the point this Texas Hold Em Poker tips trying to get at.